Everyone can build successful website

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    SBI! is PERFECT for any Specific Business :

  • University Students
    Students spend tons of their spare time on the Internet. Now, they can use that time to build a profitable small business that could pay them for life.

  • WAHMs, "Work At Home Moms"
    WAHMs choose not to take paid work outside the home, so that their family can be their first priority. SBI! provides the flexibility, income generation and personal fulfillment they are seeking.

  • Retirees
    Retirement can mean freedom, enjoyment and extra income!

  • InfoPublishing, For The Aspiring Infopreneur
    Build an online business based upon what you know (from work experience, hobbies, passions, or past-times). If you know your subject matter, and if you're motivated to build a real business with growing, diversified revenues...

  • Travel Means Business
    Turn your knowledge of a favorite vacation spot or local area into a Web site that generates an income for life.

  • Store Build It!
    "The Perfect Store". Traffic is the lifeblood of any store -- sales don't happen without it. SBIers build their own traffic and PREsell through content, and then sell their own products directly.

  • Online Auction Sellers
    Free themselves of eBay dependency. The "Big 3" will do it...
    1) Own
    2) Diversify
    3) Build equity.
    Now auction sellers can build real businesses that they own.

  • For LOCAL Businesses with LOCAL Clients
    There are tens of millions of small local businesses not yet online. Those who are online? They die deaths of quiet, no-traffic desperation. Build a Web site that WORKS... one that delivers 100 times the benefits of a Yellow Pages ad, at one tenth of the cost.

  • Selling E-goods
    E-books (especially non-fiction "how to"), e-photos (booming!), niche software, etc. The whole "digital goods for sale" space is soaring. --> Anything can be digitized -- sell it.

  • Selling Hard Goods
    Thinking about selling products online? Maybe you already are, but want to do better... much better? If so...
  • Real Estate
    Web site can evolve into a sales-generating machine that will help you gain qualified leads even as you sleep!
  • Sales/Rentals
    Whether you represent villa rentals in Tuscany, medical imaging manufacturers, or the services of computer programmers, you can sell or rent effectively online.
  • Network Marketers
    Network Marketing starts with recruiting/lead generation. Generating leads is "made for the Net." But that's not the way matters have unfolded. Why? Because everyone in the industry has tried to force offline methods, online. There's no need to push (i.e., chase cold calls/prospects) when you can motivate them to pull (i.e., they call you).
  • Affiliates
    Finally, the promise of affiliate marketing is realized. Publish a theme-based information-jammed content site. Monetize with the cream of affiliate programs, blend in additional AdSense and other revenues. Finally... build an affiliate site that WORKS. Diversify as you grow.
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    My Personal Story

    I started this site without any HTML knowledge in 2006, when I was exchange student in Denmark.
    This would never happend without Site Build It! Super Software. Thank you SBI!

    "I now have a business that I can grow over the years. A business that is fun. I'll never do a 9 to 5. I'll always own my own life. That, more than money, more than learning about the Web, more than learning how to write well, that is the most important thing I've learned from SBI!. Own your own life. If you don't, what's the point?" Click here to read more...