Doberman Pinscher Tomas
( Dedicated to my beloved Doberman Pinscher Tomas )
June 1997 - 28 oct 2007
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. ~Gilda Radner
Since 1863, annually, for 9 day after approach of the Trinity, in Apolda the exhibition-sale of dogs was spent. Apolda has given Doberman Pinscher to the world. A dog who without a single shot has won the world with its courage, clever mind and beauty.
Only few breeds of dog are awarded to be named in honor of the founders, and not all thus have left memory of. The founder of breed Friedrich Luis Doberman which name dogs now carries.
Most people think of the Dobermans as a strong guard dog, but owners will tell you that they are also a wonderful family pets. This highly intelligent dogs learns quickly while becoming your families best friend and your protector.It is in the Doberman’s nature to be a trustworthy and loyal companion, usually gentle but as robust and tough as you care to make him. Doberman is a great playmate and friend for the children of "his own family" doberman will quite happily join the family at the table and sleep in your bed....
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In fact, doberman pinscher will become very "human" if you forget to remind him that he is a dog!

After my family has moved to the private house in the summer 1997 and my dream has come true - we have got a very desired dog. Whether I as now remember that day when my Aunt has called to us and has told that her friend has puppies of the Doberman. My Aunt paid the symbolical sum of 10 hrivnia is approximately 2 dollars. ( By tradition in our country it is not accepted to give dogs as gifts and in exchange it is necessary to pay the symbolical sum for the puppy as the symbol for good health of your favorite animal.)
On family council we almost hour argued on that what name it is necessary to give the puppy and have decided to name him Tomas. From this day we gave all our free time to our favorite pet. He grew together with a cat Kuzma with which they even slept in one box. When Tomas has grown he still considered the cat as friend and protected him from neighbor’s dogs. Tomas every day pleased us with the overindulgence, enthusiasm and playful character. As the puppy he not always was very obedient and at times it was necessary to punish him. But how it is possible to punish strictly such nice creature? Therefore all his tricks almost always was forgiven in few seconds.

His most favorite game was to play football at back yard with me and yang dog called Deniska. It is impossible to describe his pleasure when he saw a ball in my hands. He at once rushed to search for the favorite rubber toy which he took in a mouth to not bite through a ball. We have cold winders in Ukraine therefore Thomas lived together with us in the house and liked to sleep both at his place and in a room of my parents near the warm battery. In the evenings when all our family gathered in hall to watch TV he came and approaches to everyone to play with. It was terribly pleasant for him.
In the age of 4 years with him there was an accident, at night running on a kitchen garden he on the big speed ran into a metal ladder and has strongly injured a paw. It was very difficult to find the veterinary at night as at that time we in city did not have round-the-clock hospitals for animals. And I had to clamp some hours a wound to stop him bleeding while my parents tried to find the veterinary. Luckily to us it was possible to find the doctor which has performed operation and has rescued Tomas. It took few weeks to heal his paw and hi become healthy again.
Tomas also TV star, in October 2006 while i made "I love SBI video" he also stared as actor. You can see him playing together with other dogs at the end of the video. ( To watch video please stop music at the bottom of the page)
On the 8th year of his life he become less active and playful. There were first attributes of ageing. He began to sleep and search for warm places. But he has not become less favorite by our family. Approximately one year ago he got really sick, veterinaries long time could not tell in what the reason. Having lead a plenty of analyzes has been drawn a conclusion that at him sick kidneys and doctors suggested us him to lull. But we have decided to struggle up to the last. We have addressed in other clinic and have passed serious course of treatment. Illness has receded, Tomas has gone on the amendment and in some months felt normally. Pleasure of a life has returned and all was simply remarkable. We continued to give him a medicine for healing his kidneys. So we managed to prolong his life for a year and some month.

Last photo of Tomas together with my mother.
( made just before his illness )
Few weeks ago his illness has given a strong aggravation. His back paws have strongly swelled and it became heavy to him to walk. We continued to struggle for him, I did not sleep at the nights and looked after it him, fed and gave water from hands and made massage of his swelled up paws. But I he don’t feel better and results of analyses have shown, that in kidneys there were irreversible reactions and chances of recover are not present. With grief on heart we have made a decision to release him in the best world and have asked the doctor to make him last infection to facilitate his sufferings.
HEAVEN'S DOGGY-DOORMy best friend closed his eyes lastnight, As his head was in my hand.The Doctors said he was in pain,And it was hard for him to stand.
The thoughts that scurried throughmy head, As I cradled him in my arms.Were of his younger, puppy years,And OH...his many charms.
Today, there was no gentle nudgeWith an intense "I love you gaze",Only a heart thats filled with tearsRemembering our joy filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me,And he said, "You should cry no more,GOD also loves our canine friends,HE's installed a 'doggy-door"!
--- Jan Cooper --- 1995
28/10/2007 Tomas has gone forever. If to compare his age with humans he was about 58 years old. In Ukraine still there are no special cemeteries for animals and we have decided to bury him in countryside near the river. He loved play there very much when we took him with with us on the nature. Let the soil will be down for him. Tomas is not with us any more but he will remain in our loving hearts forever!
With love, Dmytro
You think dogs will not be in heaven?
I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.
~Robert Louis Stevenson
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I miss you, Dante
I'm sorry for your Tomas, even he past away almost 10 years ago. I know how you feel...
I found my Dante on abandoned, on the street in a town where I …
John K from Florida
If I ever get to heaven, and my Dobermans Ruby, Lightning, Cole, and Rye, who have all gone on now before me, are not there; I am not staying.
I just …
Hi from Ontario Canada, near Toronto
I loved your story of Tomas. You gave him a beautiful life. What dog could want for more? Their lives are just too …
In appreciation
I just lost my beloved doberman after only 8 years together. I found your page and many of the things you wrote reflect how I feel about my doberman, …
Axl's Mommy
I have a handsome red doberman named Axl who will be 10 in just a few short days. I got this dog when I was 16 years he only 9 weeks. He has been the …
I grieve also for my beloved dog Bubby
I had to put my beloved black lab to sleep yesterday. He came to me very early in his too short life at only five weeks old. He lived from July 15, 1997 …
Tomas - a beautiful dog
Reading about Tomas (and seeing his film debut) immediately brings memories of my incredible, special departed cat, Nipper, into sharper focus.
Renee …
Dogs are such loving creatures
My sincere condolences Dmytro.
Your memorial page is a very moving tribute to a wonderful pet.
I cried my eyes out when my first cat was put to sleep …
God Bless you both
I'm so sorry for your loss, I too lost a dog that I loved very much this year and I know your pain. Tomas was a very lucky, lucky dog to have …
Beautiful memorial
Oh Dmytro - that was a beautiful memorial! I have tears in my eyes!
I truly believe that dogs go to heaven -and your little friend is there now and …
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