Test quality of your website

Attention! Evaluation of pages produced algorithmically, without human intervention. In case of obvious fallacy result analysis, please click on the appropriate button. Service is in testing and we look forward to your help, understanding and goodwill. Thank you.

Test is absolutely FREE!

This is innovative service provided by Russian devellopers.
The service is actually targeted to Russian language. But even if you can't speack Russian language - you'll be able to understand the quality rank of your website by special quality sign.

The automatic system will analize your entire website, test the quality of your HTML code, site design etc... and you'll get the result.

In addition your website will be listed in the Catalog for FREE. So you'll get extra free link to your website. You can have the following results:

Total result can be from 0 - 1800 points.
System evaluate 4 parametrs:

You can test your site only 1 time per 2-3 weeks.
If you have any questions about this test... Contact me,
Dmytro Petrov ( Founder of DenmarkFacts.com )

Over 309388 already tested by CyberAnalytic service
About 4000 sites per day!

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