Viking rock from Faroe Islands

Video created by: Manuel Velasco


And whoever reigns these cliffs, did not defeat the wind They held the tiller when the storm broke loose "Steer into the wind," shouted one and united they pulled the tiller, but all in vain

The course has been set, carved in stone And are we satisfied when the tale is told

And does your ship advance regardless of what you want They fought over the rudderless tiller And still we hold the tiller as we Think we are free, thrallborn unconsulted so

We all drift on the graveyard field In desolate halls, about distant mountains

Drenched and weary by the northwestern storm, and the winds rages in Midgard To Asgard where the Ash stood, like the threads of life then flapped in the breeze

We all drift on the graveyard field In desolate halls, about distant mountains

And plains, knowing what goal we are capable of living And destiny draws slowly, we drift to meet it

We all drift on the graveyard field In desolate halls, about distant mountains

Well aware of the course of destiny but it is comforting that choice is before us Countless your possible courses, but discomforting that the choice has been made, only one course

The course has been set, carved in stone And are we satisfied when the tale is told
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