Ken Evoy - President of SiteSell Inc

president and CEO of SiteSell Inc.

A successful businessman , Evoy has invented over 20 products that have sold internationally, generating 100's of millions of dollars in revenues for various companies and private person. He also developed several software products including one for the stock market sector.

Evoy is also the author of a series of widely-known "best on the Net" e-commerce books and courses. Due to his efforts, the SiteSell and Solo Build It brand is highly-respected by top influential Internet business personalities around the world.

Ken Evoy is a physician who formerly taught and practiced emergency medicine at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Evoy brands his business philosophy as "e-commerce for the rest of us" (i.e., quality accessible tools at small prices and everyone can do it!). He feels strongly that every small business can be empowered to use the Internet to generate their income-building potential -- whether it is to build an e-business, grow an existing offline business, or create secondary income sources.

Evoy was born in Montreal, Canada and holds degrees in science and medicine from McGill University.

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My Personal Story

I started this site without any HTML knowledge in 2006, when I was exchange student in Denmark.
This would never happend without Site Build It! Super Software. Thank you SBI!

"I now have a business that I can grow over the years. A business that is fun. I'll never do a 9 to 5. I'll always own my own life. That, more than money, more than learning about the Web, more than learning how to write well, that is the most important thing I've learned from SBI!. Own your own life. If you don't, what's the point?" Click here to read more...